The team overseeing all research activities and funds mangement
The Children’s Oncology Group’s Myeloid Disease Committee leads TpAML, overseeing all research activities and funds management. Volunteers, primarily pediatric AML families, educate, promote and fundraise for TpAML. Our mission is simple and project tightly scoped – so our organization is simple.
Target Pediatric AML is a tightly defined research project and fundraising campaign – not a foundation. It’s a grassroots, collaborative effort without a formally defined “board” or tightly defined roles/processes. Our mission is simple – accelerate the “highest potential, greatest need” AML-related research project to benefit young people, mirroring the multimillion-dollar Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s “Beat AML” campaign (and hopefully inspiring them to join, or just take it over!). Because our mission is simple - to get one transformational project DONE -- our organization is simple.
The Children’s Oncology Group’s Myeloid Disease Committee, led by Drs. Andy Kolb (chair) and Soheil Meshinchi (biology chair), oversee all TpAML research activities and funds management. Dr. Marco Marra, a renowned visionary and leader in cancer genomics at BCCA, also works closely with COG TpAML team.
Dr. Andy kolb
Dr. Meshinchi
Dr. Marco Marra
All gifts and grants are currently directed to dedicated accounts at Children’s Oncology Group (COG) and British Columbia Cancer Agency (BCCA) with meticulous tracking. Funds are released to 3 entities (Fred Hutch’s Meshinchi Lab, BCCA, and FoundationOne Medicine) to support two, tightly defined activities:
Deep sequencing & data analysis of 1000 pediatric AML patient samples (well-annotated, banked samples crossing all subtypes – DNA leukemia vs. normal, RNA, and methylation studies)
Clinical genomic sequencing testing of current AML patients treated at COG-affiliated institutions
Target Pediatric AML is also a fundraising and “funds-pooling” campaign, currently spearheaded by AML parents and volunteers Julie Guillot and Michael Copley. Julie and Michael partner closely with other families and foundations that support TpAML, strategizing and working together to raise $8.7 million, fully funding this effort. Julie & Michael maintain “no pride of ownership”, and invite others to join forces. We need more leaders to move faster.
If you are a large organization or foundation interested in a “TpAML takeover”…that is, if you’d like to lead completion of this effort, contact us. Our goal is to get the TpAML research done, whatever that looks like!